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Food additives are beneficial to the development of the food industry



The beneficial development of food additives to the food industry has been concerned. Food additives are substances added to food in order to improve the texture, color, taste, preservation and other characteristics of food. They can improve the quality and taste of food, extend the shelf life of food, and meet people’s needs for diversified food.

First of all, food additives can improve the texture and taste of food. In the process of food processing, some food raw materials may lose their original texture and taste, and the use of food additives can effectively improve these problems. For example, thickeners can thicken food and increase the layer of taste; Emulsifiers can make food more delicate and improve the smoothness of the taste. The use of these food additives can make food more delicious and meet people’s pursuit of food.

Secondly, food additives can extend the shelf life of food. With the improvement of people’s living standards and the change of consumption concept, the demand for food is also increasing. People want to be able to buy fresh and safe food, and the use of food additives can extend the shelf life of food, reduce the loss of food, and meet people’s needs for food. For example, antioxidants can slow the oxidation rate of food and extend the shelf life of food; Preservatives can inhibit the growth of microorganisms in food and extend the shelf life of food. The use of these food additives can ensure the freshness and safety of food.

In addition, the use of food additives can also meet people’s needs for diverse foods. With the improvement of people’s living standards and the change of consumption concepts, the requirements for food not only stay in the basic nutritional needs, but also pay more attention to the quality and taste of food. The use of food additives can improve the texture and taste of food, making food more diverse. For example, pigments can make food more colorful and increase the appeal of food; Flavor can make the food more fragrant, improve the taste of food. The use of these food additives can meet people’s needs for diversified foods and enrich people’s dietary choices.

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